Chris Brennan, who I am sure you already know is a very talented professional astrologer from Denver, just posted this amazingly comprehensive recap of UAC 2012. I'm absolutely stunned at the amount of work he put into it. You won't want to miss it, not least of all for all the links to coverage from other astrologers out there in the blogosphere.
Plus, all of us here at Postcards from UAC are very excited about the wonderful mention we received from Chris. I know I speak for all of my helpers when I say this project was so much fun to do and we wouldn't have missed it for the world. However, the generous acknowledgement and gratitude from the astrologers out there is gratefully received [note preening Postcards from UAC Elves]. Of course, it could never have happened at all if the UAC attendees hadn't been so generous with their time and creativity. The only down side is that well, technically, UAC 2012 is over. I keep looking for things to post. I have a Cancer Ascendent. I have trouble letting go... or is that my Scorpio Moon? So please don't hesitate to send in any memories you may be keeping close to your heart.
Now I'm going to post part of Chris Brennan's fabulous blog post with a link to read the rest on his site at The Horoscopic Astrology Blog
United Astrology Conference 2012 Recap
Posted by Chris Brennan on July 5, 2012 at 7:42 am
The eighth United Astrology Conference, otherwise known as UAC, took place in New Orleans from May 24-29, 2012.
The conference was wildly successful,
although it was such an intense week that many attendees were kind of
burnt out afterward, and so a lot of the reviews of the conference have
been trickling in slowly over the course of the past month.
At this point I think that it has been
long enough since the conference ended that the majority of the coverage
is in, and so the purpose of this article is to try to give a recap of
the conference by providing links to a variety of different reports and
other media related to the conference from around the internet.
Conference Stats
Let’s start off with some basic stats on UAC 2012:
- It was held at the Marriott hotel at 555 Canal Street in New Orleans, Louisiana, which turned out to be a pretty good hotel.
- The final estimate put the attendance at 1,458 astrologers, including about 200 speakers (also including the free speech lecturers).
- A total of about 295 lectures over the course of the week, plus 22 pre and post-conference workshops.
- There were five sponsoring organizations: the American College of Vedic Astrology (ACVA), Association For Astrological Networking (AFAN), Council of Vedic Astrology (CVA), International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) and National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR).
- The three head coordinators of the conference were Madalyn Hillis-Dineen (NCGR), Linda Lehman (AFAN), and Gisele Terry (ISAR), who have to be given a lot of credit for successfully pulling off such a large and memorable conference.
Social Media at UAC 2012
UAC 2012 was a milestone from a
technological perspective, because it was the first major conference in
which participants were really actively engaged in sharing what was
going on through social media websites.
If you do a search for UAC on Google
right now you will find hundreds of pictures, videos, audio recordings,
tweets, Facebook posts, and other types of media that was generated
during the week of the conference. As a result of that, this was one of
the first conferences where even if you didn’t actually attend, you
could still get a pretty clear picture of a lot of the things that
happened that week, just by following the trail of social media that
emanated from the conference.
In particular, I would like to mention the Postcards from UAC project,
which played a very active and important role in encouraging attendees
to post reports from the conference, and then organized and aggregated
them in a central location.
The founder of the project and the main organizer was Robin Dalton,
who sadly wasn’t able to attend the conference, so she used several
different social media sites in order to collect reports from conference
attendees. Here is part of the call to (digital) arms that her group
sent out just before the conference:
UAC, the world’s largest gathering of astrologers, is being held in New Orleans from May 23 to 29. We will miss every single one of you who cannot make it… which is why we’re going to do our best to bring the party to you! In a divinely chaotic grassroots effort, we’re encouraging all tech-savvy UAC attendees to send your images and videos out to our astro friends around the world as “Postcards from UAC.” We’ve organized a worldwide network of volunteers to collect your postcards and share them with the global community.
Robin and the others involved in the
project worked tirelessly that week, and even in the weeks after the
conference, and the result is a pretty fantastic collection of media
from the event. If you are interested in checking it out then here are
the websites associated with the Postcards from UAC project:
Twitter Coverage
Speaking of social media, one of the
things that was interesting about the conference is that this was the
first UAC in which smartphones were almost ubiquitous, and so there were
a number of people who were posting tweets about the conference as
events were happening.
Trust me. You'll be glad you did.
Namaste' Y'all,
Great job, Chris!