This is a link to a post published on by Jeff Jawer while he was at UAC 2012. I somehow missed it when it first came out but was a lucky enough to see it on Chris Brennan's Horoscopic Astrology Blog. [robin]
1,200 Astrologers Can't Be Wrong: I'm in New Orleans for the United Astrology Conference (UAC),...
Here's a short excerpt which I really liked:
UAC and the many smaller national and regional conferences are exciting events and unique ways to begin an astrological education, learn advanced techniques, and make connections, many of which will last a lifetime. Our unconventional field may still seem a bit strange to the general public, but gatherings like UAC not only build our community, but expand our outreach to the rest of the world. A hard-working public relations committee has gotten extensive television, radio, online and print coverage of this conference.
It's very heartening to see how much Astrology has grown since I began practicing way back in 1973. The range, depth and maturity of the presentations is incredible. Even though there are over 150 teachers on the faculty, it's a tough selection process in which an equal number of applicants, all professional astrologers, did not make the cut. The breadth of talented practitioners and teachers is a testament to the growth of our field. The maturity of the lectures that address the ethical and practical issues of astrological counseling is also inspiring.
I didn't see this article either. I would love to see more. And, Jeff is a wonderful spokesman for our profession.