Monday, June 25, 2012

April Elliott Kent: UAC 2012 (Part Two): The Conference

I'm a little late getting these up. I put them up on our Facebook Group but completely forgot to post them on the blog. Fortunately, Lisa sent me a reminder, so here's a partial look. Don't forget to click on the link to read the entire post.

This is Part Two of April Elliott Kent's (of Big Sky Astrology) blog post on her time at UAC in New Orleans this year:



UAC presented a classic conference-goer’s dilemma: one ass, many potential seats. I tried live-tweeting the sessions I attended, but the hotel wi-fi was spotty at best (and I have thus far managed to resist the siren call of the smart phone). I went to a few sessions, but not as many as I have at past conferences. I find I don’t have a lot of patience anymore for sitting still and listening to much of anything for an hour and ten minutes; or perhaps it was all those transiting planets in Gemini. In any event, here were a few of the sessions I sat in on (most of them before my own talk blew me out of the water, energy-wise), along with some of my fairly shallow notes, tweets, and observations. (The lectures should be available for purchase at the conference website by the end of June.)
  • Richard Tarnas (What is the Relationship of Myths to Planetary Archetypes?), who spoke about the nexxus where the names assigned to the planets do and don’t intersect with mythology. At the time I didn’t think I was keeping up. Weeks later, though, this is the talk that keeps popping into my mind and supplying little nuggets to chew on.
My tweets from the session, which reveal my vacuousness:
  • Richard Tarnas – myths, planetary archetypes, and at one point *jazz hands*.
  • Tarnas: Astrology of modern planets don’t nec reflect myth so much as the era in which discovered. You, Uranus, are no rebel.
  • Greco-Roman gods = patriarchal thugs. Heh. Good one, Richard Tarnas.

To continue reading the post go  HERE

April Elliott Kent: UAC 2012 (Part One): Hola From Nola

What makes New Orleans awesome.

I'm a little late getting these up. I put them up on our Facebook Group but completely forgot to post them on the blog. Fortunately, Lisa sent me a reminder, so here's a partial look. Don't forget to click on the link to read the entire post.

This is Part One of April Elliott Kent's (of Big Sky Astrology) blog post on her time at UAC in New Orleans this year:

I began this post three weeks ago in New Orleans. Hence the title, which I like too much to change it even though I’ve been home for two weeks and am actually bidding you “Hola” from San Diego at this point. Part two, with deets about the conference itself, is here.

The City

We arrived in New Orleans after two hours sleep and a long, tedious day of flying, and I’ll admit, I was underwhelmed. The muggy heat and the din of street noise were a bit … something. And not a pleasant something. My impression of the city began to improve over dinner with Kelly Surtees, her charming fiancĂ© Peter, and their delightful friend Kira Sutherland. We found a barbecue place on a small sidestreet, where we gorged on fish and red beans and rice and numerous cocktails while flames occasionally erupted from the kitchen a few feet away. Good times.
The next morning Jonny and I rolled out of bed early and wandered the six blocks to breakfast at Cafe Du Monde – because apparently when you’re in New Orleans, it’s the law. We daintily sidestepped rivers of goo from freshly hosed sidewalks and wrinkled our noses at the city’s distinctive bouquet, the tang of a place that never really dries out. “The Virgos in Hell!” we dubbed ourselves. But the funk was worth it, because the place is not to be missed. Outdoor tables crowded together under ceiling fans, covered in a dusting of powdered sugar and dripping with sweaty touristas like us. Beignets were everything I’d hoped they would be, and my frozen cafe au lait was a delight. I was charmed.

Read the rest  HERE

Friday, June 15, 2012

Kate Petty: The Power of Antiscia

The Muse of Astrology, Urania

I have the most fabulous news!

Kate Petty, astrologer extraordinaire, has made her UAC Lecture on Antiscia available on her website: Urania Designs!

Not only is her lecture there, but her web site is pretty cool, as well. I highly recommend you go spend some time there!

You can find her lecture here: The Power of Antiscia 



Sunday, June 10, 2012

Demetra George and Dorothy Oja

From Toni Thomas

Panel Discussion

Panel Discussion by Postcards from UAC
Panel Discussion, a photo by Postcards from UAC on Flickr.

With Chris Turner, Jack Fertig, Donna Woodwell, Eric Francis Coppolino and Roy L. Gilgert ~ submitted by Toni Thomas

Evelyn Roberts and Rob Hand

From Toni Thomas

Evelyn Roberts and Rick Levine

This uber cool photo was kindly given to us by Toni Thomas

Kim Rogers by Toni Thomas

Kindly sent to us by Toni Thomas

From Toni Thomas

From Toni Thomas by Postcards from UAC
From Toni Thomas, a photo by Postcards from UAC on Flickr.

At Check-In with David Cochrane, Fei and Michael

Toni Thomas and Cece Stevens

From Toni Thomas

Toni Thomas with Fei at Avalon

From Toni Thomas

New Orleans Oyster Bar

From Toni Thomas

Ann Clancy

Ann Clancy by Postcards from UAC
Ann Clancy, a photo by Postcards from UAC on Flickr.

This is from Toni Thomas ~ [I love this photo. rd]

Rick Levine from Toni Thomas and Anne Clancy

This is actually an Ann Clancy pic that I pilfered off of Toni Thomas' Facebook Feed. I am so hoping I don't get in trouble for this. However, just how cool is this photo of Rick Levine. This UAC elf is a big fan of Rick's :) rd

Goddesses with Rick Levine

From Toni Thomas ~ Kim Rogers, Roxana Muise, Paula Dare and Rick Levine

Glenn Perry UAC 2012 with Na Na from Japan and William Stickevers on the right from Toni Thomas

From Toni Thomas: Glenn Perry with Na Na from Japan and William Stickevers on the right.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bernadette Brady and Daniel MH Gordon discuss her software.